About poultry wholesale

Why Us?

Otta has been an active force in the poultry industry. Our intent is to always provide the finest & cost effective quality products, best customer service and applying quality assurance to meat production and safety.

Otta Poultry has successfully implemented a HACCP (Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Point) Advantage program.

Otta Poultry has wide range of fresh products lines, such as: Quick Frozen items, breaded products, a skewered line of souvlaki, chicken, pork, lamb and beef and our fully cooked product line.
We are continually developing new lines of products to respond to customer taste and market demand.

why otta Thousands Chicken freshly cut daily
why otta HACCP program endorsed LIC 19390
why otta 12 years experience in Foods supply
why otta Only supply quality food products
why otta Comparative price
why otta Free & reliable delivery to your shop

Only quality suppliers are selected
